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Is mass emigration really such a bad thing?

on March 9, 2012

It is no secret that there is an enormous up rise in the levels of Irish citizens leaving these shores for pastures new in countries such as Australia, Canada England and Eastern Europe. These numbers have soared in recent times due to the worsening jobs crisis and gloomy economic downturn. Students who have studied a minimum of three years in college and obtained their degree, masters or PhD are struggling to obtain careers in their field of study due to the lack of opportunities in this country which is unsurprisingly frustrating for those in question. For some the only option is emigration.

Whilst there are many who are saddened to be leaving behind their families, friends and life, for the majority it is an exciting time in their lives. I feel this is a great opportunity for graduated students and a chance to expand and improve their knowledge skills and confidence. In my opinion young people are supposed to up-roots and experience what life has to offer. And there is no better time than the present, when there is an excuse and a reason to leave.

By the time these emigrants have experienced all that these diverse cultures and countries have to offer and feel it is time to return to their homelands, the Irish economy will expectantly and hopefully be returning to a healthy economic state. The number of jobs careers and opportunities available in this country will hopefully have soared to a record level and there will be a reason for the Irish to stay in this country

For now, it is a brilliant opportunity for young people with little obligation to spread their wings and see what the world has to offer.

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